Humphrey Fellowship Program 2023

Hello everyone! I hope you are doing well. Today I’m here with another Blog. I hope you are looking for the top opportunities for study in the USA. The candidates who want to apply for the master’s or bachelor’s Scholarship have an opportunity to apply for a fully funded scholarship. The United States of America always provides the best opportunities to all national or international students every time of the year.
Humphrey fellowship program 2023 is available for all national or international students. The program is announced as a Fulbright exchange program to make connections between the United States and other international countries. Influential to get the most advanced solution for the most vital worldwide challenges from warfare temperature deviation, to caring human rights. Growing access to education and structure global health security for all students they were studying in the US.
The Student who is eligible to apply for the Humphrey fellowship program 2023 has to apply for the program from their commission. Community Relationships Section of the United States of America.
If you need more information about the scholarship program 2023 you have to contact the public affairs Section of the United States. Embassy and you will get the process to apply for the fully funded Scholarship the deadline to apply for the scholarship is 2023.

Benefits of Scholarship 2023

  • You have an opportunity to rally leadership skills when you study in the US.
  • You will get more foundations and much more from the scholarship.
  • You have a chance to construct your work-related much better.
  • You will help with a new culture
  • Professional students will expand and you will grow faster than other country scholarship
  • You will get personal development through this scholarship.

Eligible Program:

·        Albania

Europe and Eurasia

U.S. Embassy Albania

·        Algeria

Middle East and North Africa

U.S. Embassy Algeria

·        Angola

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Angola

·        Antigua and Barbuda

Western Hemisphere

U.S. Embassy Antigua and Barbuda

·        Armenia

Europe and Eurasia

U.S. Embassy Armenia

·        Azerbaijan

Europe and Eurasia

U.S. Embassy Azerbaijan

·        Bahrain

Middle East and North Africa

U.S. Embassy Bahrain

·        Bangladesh

South and Central Asia

U.S. Embassy Bangladesh

·        Barbados

Western Hemisphere

U.S. Embassy Barbados

·        Belarus

Europe and Eurasia

U.S. Embassy Belarus

·        Belize

Western Hemisphere

U.S. Embassy Belize

·        Benin

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Benin

·        Bhutan

South and Central Asia

U.S. Embassy Bhutan

·        Bolivia

Western Hemisphere

U.S. Embassy Bolivia

·        Bosnia & Herzegovina

Europe and Eurasia

U.S. Embassy Bosnia & Herzegovina

·        Botswana

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Botswana

·        Bulgaria

Europe and Eurasia

Bulgarian-American Commission for Educational Exchange

·        Burkina Faso

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Burkina Faso

·        Burma

East Asia and the Pacific

U.S. Embassy Burma

·        Burundi

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Burundi

·        Cabot Verde

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Cabo Verde

·        Cambodia

East Asia and the Pacific

U.S. Embassy Cambodia

·        Cameroon

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Cameroon

·        Central African Republic

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Central African Republic

·        Chad

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Chad

·        China

East Asia and the Pacific

U.S. Embassy China

·        Colombia

Western Hemisphere

Commission for Educational Exchange Between the United States of America and Columbia

·        Costa Rica

Western Hemisphere

U.S. Embassy Costa Rica

·        Cote d’Ivoire

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Cote D’ivoire

·        Croatia

Europe and Eurasia

U.S. Embassy Croatia

·        Cuba

Western Hemisphere

U.S. Embassy Cuba

·        Democratic Republic of the Congo

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Democratic Republic of the Congo

·        Djibouti

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Djibouti

·        Dominica

Western Hemisphere

U.S. Embassy Dominica

·        Dominican Republic

Western Hemisphere

U.S. Embassy Dominican Republic

·        Egypt

Middle East and North Africa

The Binational Fulbright Commission in Egypt

·        El Salvador

Western Hemisphere

U.S. Embassy El Salvador

·        Equatorial Guinea

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Equatorial Guinea

·        Eritrea

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Eritrea

·        Estonia

Europe and Eurasia

U.S. Embassy Estonia

·        Satiny

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Satiny

·        Ethiopia

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Ethiopia



·       Gabon

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Gabon

·       Gambia

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Gambia

·       Georgia

Europe and Eurasia

U.S. Embassy Georgia

·       Ghana

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Ghana

·       Greece

Europe and Eurasia

U.S. Educational Foundation in Greece

·       Grenada

Western Hemisphere

U.S. Embassy Grenada

·       Guatemala

Western Hemisphere

U.S. Embassy Guatemala

·       Guinea

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Guinea

·       Guyana

Western Hemisphere

U.S. Embassy Guyana

·       Haiti

Western Hemisphere

U.S. Embassy Haiti

·       Honduras

Western Hemisphere

U.S. Embassy Honduras

·       Hungary

Europe and Eurasia

Hungarian-American Commission for Educational Exchange

·       Indonesia

East Asia and the Pacific

American-Indonesian Exchange Foundation

·       Iraq

Middle East and North Africa

U.S. Embassy Iraq

·       Israel

Middle East and North Africa

U.S. Israel Educational Foundation

·       Jamaica

Western Hemisphere

U.S. Embassy Jamaica

·       Jordan

Middle East and North Africa

Jordanian-American Commission for Educational Exchange

·       Fiji

East Asia and the Pacific

U.S. Embassy Fiji

·       Kazakhstan

South and Central Asia

U.S. Embassy Kazakhstan

·       Kenya

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Kenya

·       Kiribati

East Asia and the Pacific

U.S. Embassy Kiribati

·       Korea

East Asia and the Pacific

Korean-American Educational Commission

·       Kosovo

Europe and Eurasia

U.S. Embassy Kosovo

·       Kyrgyz Republic

South and Central Asia

U.S. Embassy Kyrgyz Republic

·       Laos

East Asia and the Pacific

U.S. Embassy Laos

·       Latvia

Europe and Eurasia

U.S. Embassy Latvia

·       Lebanon

Middle East and North Africa

U.S. Embassy Lebanon

·       Lesotho

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Lesotho

·       Liberia

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Liberia

·       Lithuania

Europe and Eurasia

U.S. Embassy Lithuania

·       Macedonia

Europe and Eurasia

U.S. Embassy Macedonia

·       Madagascar

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Madagascar

·       Malawi

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Malawi

·       Malaysia

East Asia and the Pacific

Malaysian-American Commission on Educational Exchange

·       Maldives

South and Central Asia

U.S. Embassy Maldives

·       Mali

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Mali

·       Mauritania

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Mauritania

·       Mauritius

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Mauritius

·       Mexico

Western Hemisphere

Mexico-United States Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchange

·       Moldova

Europe and Eurasia

U.S. Embassy Moldova

·       Mongolia

East Asia and the Pacific

U.S. Embassy Mongolia

·       Montenegro

Europe and Eurasia

U.S. Embassy Montenegro

·       Mozambique

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Mozambique

·       Namibia

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Namibia

·       Nauru

East Asia and the Pacific

U.S. Embassy Nauru

·       Nepal

South and Central Asia

Commission for Educational Exchange between the United States and Nepal

·       Pakistan

South and Central Asia

United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan

·       Papua New Guinea

East Asia and the Pacific

U.S. Embassy Papua New Guinea

·       Paraguay

Western Hemisphere

U.S. Embassy Paraguay

·       Peru

Western Hemisphere

Commission for Educational Exchange Between the United States and Peru


East Asia and the Pacific

Philippine-American Educational Foundation

·       Romania

Europe and Eurasia

Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission

·       Russia

Europe and Eurasia

U.S. Embassy Russia

·       Rwanda

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Rwanda

·       Saint Kitts and Nevis

Western Hemisphere

U.S. Embassy Saint Kitts and Nevis

·       Saint Lucia

Western Hemisphere

U.S. Embassy Saint Lucia

·       Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

Western Hemisphere

U.S. Embassy Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

·       Saudi Arabia

Middle East and North Africa

U.S. Embassy Saudi Arabia

·       Senegal

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Senegal

·       Serbia

·       Europe and Eurasia

U.S. Embassy Serbia

·       Sierra Leone

Sub-Saharan Africa

U.S. Embassy Sierra Leone

·       Slovak Republic

Europe and Eurasia

J. William Fulbright Commission for Educational Exchange in Slovak Republic

·       Solomon Islands

East Asia and the Pacific

U.S. Embassy Solomon Islands

Apply Link: Click here

For more fully funded scholarships: Click here


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