Turkiye Burslari Scholarship 2023

Hi, you are doing well today we are here with another new article. If you looking for Turkiye Burslari Scholarship 2023? In this article, I will provide all the important and complete information about the Turkiye Scholarships 2023. Read this article carefully to get all the details about the Turkiye Burslari Scholarship 2023 it is a great opportunity for worldwide applicants.

Turkish Scholarships 2023

 Apply for this scholarship 2023 as soon as possible as you don’t know who will get these Turkish Scholarships 2023. These scholarships are for all national or international applicants who are interested in continuing Bachelor, master, or doctoral degree programs. Apply now for the short-degree scholarships in Turkey under the Turkiye Burslari Scholarship 2023.

The Government of Turkiye allow higher education scholarships for worldwide candidates or programs of finances this is great news for students Turkiye Bursalri scholarship 2023 is a great opportunity for international applicant. The Republic of Turkiye runs this scholarship program for international applicants don’t miss this chance. The Turkiye Government provides scholarships in cooperation with many organizations such as YÖK, YURT-KUR, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the General Directorate of Migration Management it is helpful for all candidates. These Turkiye Burslari scholarships 2023 are totally free of cost and cover much possible spending of the applicant. Apply for this Turkish University Scholarship as soon as possible as applications are now available applies mow and the scholarship doesn’t waste your time.

 About Turkiye Burslari Scholarship 2023:

·         Scholarship Country: Turkiye
·         University Name: Multiple Universities
·         Degree level: Bachelor, Masters, Ph.D.
·         Financial Coverage: Fully Funded
·         Type: Scholarships
·         Application Time period:
·         Opening date of Application:  2023
·         Application Deadline: 2023
·         Evaluation: not available
·         Interview Session: not available
·         Result Announcement: not available

Available Areas and Fields:

Automotive Engineering

  • Technology
  • Architecture
  • Agriculture
  • Archaeology
  • Art History
  • Accounting
  • Agriculture Economy
  • Astronomy,
  • Physics


  • Business
  • Management
  • Biomedical
  • Biotechnology Engineering
  • Botanic
  • Biology

Civil Engineering

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Constitution/Public Law
  • Common-Law
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Engineering


  • Development Studies
  • Documentation
  • Record-Keeping
  • Design Industrial
  • Design or Fashion
  • Graphic Design


  • Electrical
  • Electronic Engineering
  • Telecommunications
  • Environmental Sciences
  • Ecology


  • Banking
  • Econometrics
  • Economy
  • Food Science
  • Technology
  • Educational Sciences
  • Comparative Education
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Forestry

Geomantic Engineering

  • Genetic Engineering
  • Geography
  • Geology
  • General & Comparative Literature
  • Geodesy, Remote Sensing, Cartography
  • Horticulture
  • History


  • International Law
  • Islamic Theology
  • Industrial Engineering
  • Languages
  • Livestock Breeding

International Relations,

  • Field Studies
  • Marketing and Sale Management
  • Materials Science
  • Journalism

Maritime Engineering Technology

  • Microbiology, Biotechnology
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Media Studies
  • Mathematics / Statistics
  • Medicine
  • Museum Studies, Preservation


  • Nursing, Midwifery, Physical Therapy
  • Pharmacology
  • Philosophy and Ethics
  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics
  • Optics
  • Physics
  • Radio/Television/Cinema
  • Psychology and Behavioral Sciences
  • Public Relations, Publicity, Advertisement
  • Security Studies
  • Political Science, Public Administration
  • Preschool Education
  • Social Services
  • Veterinary Physician


  • Teacher Education
  • Tourism, Catering, and Hotel Management
  • Soil and Water Sciences
  • Urban and Regional Planning
  • Special Education
  • Transportation and Traffic Studies
  • Transportation
  • Sociology and Cultural Studies

Eligibility Criteria for Turkiye Burslari Scholarships:

  • The age requirement for bachelors must be born in 1999.
  • For Master’s Degree program, 1990.
  • For Ph.D. degree programs 1983.
  • For Research Programs is January 1975.
  • Applicants must have obtained 70% in a bachelor’s degree program.
  • Candidates must have achieved 75% in their Master’s and Ph.D. degree programs.
  • The applicant must have 90% marks in their medical.
  • All applicants have to provide the necessary documents.
  • Those students who are already studying in Turkiye are not eligible to apply for any scholarship program in 2023.

Required Documents for Turkiye Burslari Scholarship 2023:

  • Diploma
  • Degree Transcripts with grades
  • Associated degree
  • Middle school certificate
  • High school certificate
  • Letter of Purpose
  • Letter of Recommendation
  • Mission Statement
  • CV/Resume
  • Research proposal,
  • Doctoral programs
  • Work experience certificate (if any)
  • Extra curriculum certificates (optional)

Universities of Turkiye

Province University Type Founded
Adana Adana Alparslan Türkeş University of Science and Technology State 2011
Çukurova University State 1973
Adıyaman Adıyaman University State 2006
Afyonkarahisar Afyon Kocatepe University State 1992
Afyonkarahisar University of Health Sciences State 2018
Ağrı Ağrı İbrahim Çeçen University State 2007
Aksaray Aksaray University State 2006
Amasya Amasya University State 2006
Ankara Ankara University State 1946
Ankara Music and Fine Arts University State 2017
Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University State 2018
Social Sciences University of Ankara State 2013
Gazi University State 1926
Hacettepe University State 1967
Middle East Technical University State 1956
Yıldırım Beyazıt University State 2010
Ankara Medipol University Foundation 2018
Atılım University Foundation 1997
BaÅŸkent University Foundation 1994
Çankaya University Foundation 1997
Bilkent University Foundation 1985
Lokman Hekim University Foundation 2018
Ostim Technical University Foundation 2017
TED University Foundation 2009
TOBB University of Economics and Technology Foundation 2003
Ufuk University Foundation 1999
University of Turkish Aeronautical Association Foundation 2011
Yüksek İhtisas University Foundation 2013
Faculty of Political Science Foundation 1859
Police Academy (Police) Special 1937
Antalya Akdeniz University State 1982
Alanya Alaaddin Keykubat University State 2015
Alanya Hamdullah Emin Pasa University Foundation 2011
Antalya AKEV University Foundation 2015
Antalya Bilim University Foundation 2010
Ardahan Ardahan University State 2008
Artvin Artvin Çoruh University State 2007
Aydın Aydın Adnan Menderes University State 1992
Balıkesir Balıkesir University State 1992
Bandırma Onyedi Eylül University State 2015
Bartın Bartın University State 2008
Batman Batman University State 2007

Universities With Since

Bayburt Bayburt University State 2008
Bilecik Bilecik Åžeyh Edebali University State 2007
Bingöl Bingöl University State 2007
Bitlis Bitlis Eren University State 2007
Bolu Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University State 1992
Burdur Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy University State 2006
Bursa Bursa Technical University State 2010
Bursa UludaÄŸ University State 1975
Çanakkale Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University State 1992
Çankırı Çankırı Karatekin University State 2007
Çorum Hitit University State 2006
Denizli Pamukkale University State 1992


Dicle University



Düzce Düzce University State 2006
Edirne Trakya University State 1982
Elazığ Fırat University State 1975
Erzincan Erzincan Binali Yıldırım University State 2006
Erzurum Atatürk University State 1957
Erzurum Technical University State 2010
EskiÅŸehir Anadolu University State 1958
EskiÅŸehir Osmangazi University State 1973
EskiÅŸehir Technical University State 2018
Gaziantep Gaziantep University State 1987
Gaziantep University of Science and Technology State 2018
Hasan Kalyoncu University Foundation 2008
Sanko University Foundation 2013
Giresun Giresun University State 2006
Gümüşhane Gümüşhane University State 2008
Hakkâri Hakkari University State 2008
Hatay Iskenderun Technical University State 2015
Hatay Mustafa Kemal University State 1992
Iğdır Iğdır University State 2008
Isparta Süleyman Demirel University State 1992
Isparta University of Applied Sciences State 2018
Ankara (military) Military Academy Military 1848
İstanbul (military) Air Force Academy Military 1951
İstanbul (military) Naval Academy Military 1773
Istanbul Boğaziçi University State 1863
Galatasaray University State 1994
Istanbul Medeniyet University State 2010
Istanbul Technical University State 1773
Istanbul University State 1453
Istanbul University-CerrahpaÅŸa State 2018
Marmara University State 1883
Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University State 1882
Turkish-German University State 2010
University of Health Sciences State 2015
Yıldız Technical University State 1911
Acıbadem University Foundation 2007
Altınbaş University Foundation 2008
Ayvansaray University Foundation 2009
Bahçeşehir University Foundation 1998
Beykent University Foundation 1997
Bezmialem Foundation University Foundation 2010
Biruni University Foundation 2014
DemiroÄŸlu Bilim University Foundation 2006
    Visit the official website:
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