Lanzhou University of Technology Scholarship 2025

Hi everyone! I hope you are doing well today. I’m here with another new article about Lanzhou University of Technology Scholarship 2025. The candidates who are observing for the latest scholarship opportunities have to apply for the President Scholarship 2025. Applicants will get complete support when they apply Lanzhou University of Technology Scholarship 2025. The candidates have to apply for a scholarship in 2025 and enjoy different benefits from the scholarship. In this article, we will give you all the state-of-the-art updates about the scholarship such as criteria, the deadline for the submission of the application, and much more Lanzhou University of Technology Scholarship 2025.

Lanzhou University of Technology Scholarship 2025 is available for all worldwide undergraduate candidates in Lanzhou, China. The Lanzhou University of Technology Scholarship is a completely sponsored grant that is sponsored by the china government for all global apprentices who are studying for undergraduate, master, and Ph.D. degree programs. Lanzhou University is categorized in the top 30 in the list of more than 1,500 further education colleges all over China. The scholars will get a lot of benefits when they join the institution of higher education.

Details of President Scholarship 2025:
Scholarships Offered: Presidential Funds – Funded
Scholarships Coverage: Fully Funded
No of Scholarships: Large No of Scholarships
Degree Level: Undergraduate, Masters, and Ph.D. Degree Programs in All Fields.
Also check: Admission to FAST University 2024

Benefits of the Lanzhou University

The scholars who have to apply for the studentship will get different welfare from the university and scholarships. The contenders of undergraduate, master, and Ph.D. degree programs are qualified for the completely sponsored scholarship 2024. Institutions of higher education have applicants from all over the world and they will get to meet with people from different nations and involve the culture.

 Major benefits are as follows:

  1. Full Tuition
  2. Free Accommodation
  3. A stipend of CNY 1,500 per month (208 United States Dollars)

What Degree Programs Offered By the Lanzhou University?

Undergraduate 4 Years Course

Degrees in Material Science and Engineering

1.    Metallurgical Engineering
2.    Functional Materials
3.    Inorganic Nonmetallic Materials Engineering
4.    Material Forming and Control Engineering
5.    Welding Technology and Engineering
6.    Metallic Materials Engineering
7.    Macromolecular Materials and Engineering

Degrees in Petrochemical Technology

8.    Chemical Engineering and Technology
9.    Safety Engineering
10. Applied Chemistry
11. Petroleum & Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering
12. Environmental Engineering
13. Process Equipment and Control Engineering

Degrees in Computer & Communication

14. The Internet of Things Engineering
15. Computer Science and Technology
16. Software Engineering
17. Communication Engineering

Degrees in Energy & Power Engineering

18. New Energy Science and Technology
19. Mechanical and Electronic Engineering
20. Hydraulic and Hydro-Power Engineering
21. Measuring & Control Technology and Instrumentations
22. Energy and Power Engineering

Degrees in Design & Art

23. Product Design
24. Industrial Design
25. Environmental Design
26. Visual Communication Design
27. Urban and Rural Planning
28. Architecture

Degrees in Science

29. Information and Computing Science
30. Engineering Mechanics
31. Applied Physics

Degrees in Civil Engineering

32. Civil Engineering
33. Project Management
34. Project Cost
35. Architectural Environment and Energy Applying Engineering
36. Surveying & Mapping Engineering
37. Water supply and drainage engineering and Science
38. Engineering of Roads, Bridges & Ferries

Degrees in Electrical & Mechanical Engineering

39. Industrial Engineering
40. Mechanical Manufacture and Automation
41. Textile Engineering
Degrees in Life Science & Engineering
42. Pharmaceutical Engineering
43. Bioengineering/Biotechnology
44. Food Science and Engineering
Degrees in Foreign Languages
45. Russian

Degrees in Electrical & Information Engineering

46. Electronic and Information Science
47. Electrical Engineering and Automation
48. Automation

Degrees in Law

49. Law
50. Intellectual Property

Degrees in Economics & Management

51. Accounting
52.Information Management & Information Systems
53. International Economics & Trade
54. Business Administration
55. Marketing
56. Financial Management
57. Monetary Finance


Mater’s 2-3 Years Course

  1. Degrees in Material Science and Engineering
  2. Degrees in Petrochemical Technology
  3. Degrees in Computer & Communication
  4. Degrees in Energy & Power Engineering
  5. Degrees in Design & Art
  6. Degrees in Science
  7. Degrees in Civil Engineering
  8. Degrees in Electrical & Mechanical Engineering
  9. Degrees in Life Science & Engineering
  • Degrees in Foreign Languages
  • Degrees in Electrical & Information Engineering
  • Degrees in Law
  • Degrees in Economics & Management
  • Degrees in Chinese Language & Literature
Ph.D. 3-4 Years Course
  1. Degrees in Material Science and Engineering
  2. Degrees in Petrochemical Technology
  3. Degrees in Computer & Communication
  4. Degrees in Energy & Power Engineering
  5. Degrees in Civil Engineering
  6. Degrees in Electrical & Mechanical Engineering
  7. Degrees in Electrical & Information Engineering
Also check: Admission to FAST University 2024

Qualifying countries:

Afghanistan Ghana Pakistan
Albania Grenada Palau
Algeria Guatemala Palestine, a State of
Angola Guinea Panama
Antigua and Barbuda Guinea-Bissau Papua New Guinea
Argentina Guyana Paraguay
Armenia Haiti Peru
Australia Honduras Philippines
Azerbaijan India Qatar
Bahamas Indonesia Russia
Bahrain Iran Rwanda
Bangladesh Iraq Saint Kitts and Nevis
Barbados Israel Saint Lucia
Belarus Jamaica Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Belize Jordan Samoa
Benin Kazakhstan Sao Tome and Principe
Bhutan Kenya Saudi Arabia
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Kiribati Senegal
Bosnia and Herzegovina Kuwait Serbia
Botswana Korea (Republic of) Seychelles
Brazil Korea (Democratic People’s Republic of) Sierra Leone
Brunei Kyrgyzstan Singapore
Burkina Faso Lao People’s Democratic Republic Solomon Islands
Burundi Lebanon Somalia
Cabo Verde Lesotho South Africa
Cambodia Liberia South Sudan
Cameroon Libya Sri Lanka
Central African Republic Madagascar Sudan
Chad Malawi Suriname
Chile Malaysia Syrian Arab Republic
Colombia Maldives Tajikistan
Comoros Mali Tanzania (United Republic of)
Congo Mauritania Thailand
Congo (Democratic Republic of the) Mauritius Timor-Leste
Costa Rica Mexico Togo
Côte d’Ivoire Micronesia Trinidad and Tobago
Cuba Moldova (Republic of) Tunisia
Djibouti Mongolia Turkey
Dominica Montenegro Turkmenistan
Dominican Republic Morocco Tuvalu
Ecuador Mozambique Uganda
Egypt Myanmar Ukraine
El Salvador Namibia United Arab Emirates
Equatorial Guinea Nauru Uruguay
Eritrea Nepal Uzbekistan
Eswatini (Kingdom of) New Zealand Vanuatu
Ethiopia Nicaragua Venezuela
Fiji Niger Viet Nam
Gabon Nigeria Yemen
Gambia North Macedonia Zambia
Georgia Oman Zimbabwe


Eligibility Criteria
Undergraduates must have an application form
Highest degree Record verified with stamps
Master’s program Transcripts
  1. Two recommendation letter
  2. Original passport
  3. Updated CV
  4. Acceptance letter
  5. Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  6. Photographs
  7. Examination letter if you are a foreign student.

Application Deadline

The undergraduate candidates who ar;e interested Lanzhou University of Technology Scholarship 2024 have to submit their application form before the end of July 2024 after the deadline application can’t be accepted.

Also check: Admission to FAST University 2024
Procedure to Apply For President Scholarship 2024: 
  • Visit the authorized website from the link given below.
  • Log in to the website with the new account
  • Click on the scholarship
  • Fill out the complete application form
  • You have to submit your application in online form
  • You will get an email from the institution of higher education
  • Follow the schedule and read the article carefully

Official website

For more information about scholarships visit our site:

Click here
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